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Wellness From Within: The 4 Pillars of Health and Wellness

August 2024

Have you been scrolling through social media and finding yourself increasingly confused about the best ways to take care of your body? If so, you're not alone. With the constant stream of content being posted every second, it's challenging to know who to trust and what steps to take to stay healthy. In this blog post, we will explore the four fundamental pillars of health and wellness. 

The 4 Fundamental Pillars Of Health And Wellness


1.    Daily exercise

2.    Adequate sleep and daily sunlight

3.    A balanced diet

4.    Mental wellness and social support


Pillar 1: Daily Exercise

Daily exercise is crucial for maintaining overall health and well-being, but it may be difficult to know where to start when implementing a new exercise routine. First, it is important to understand that performing some exercise is better than no exercise at all. Whether the activity you decide to do is going for a walk or doing an hour at the gym, showing up for yourself and your health is the first step when implementing a new routine.

Doing regular physical activity can benefit you by:

  • Improving your cardiovascular health

  • Helping with weight management

  • Strengthening your muscles, bones, and joints

  • Boosting your immune system

  • Reducing stress and anxiety

  • Improving sleep quantity and quality

  • Lowering your risk of chronic diseases and is associated with a longer lifespan

There are many different types of exercise, and a combination of them all allow for optimal benefits.

1.    Aerobic exercise – AKA “cardio”

These are activities like walking, jogging, cycling, and swimming. The purpose of these activities is to increase your heart rate. This will train your cardiovascular system to be better equipped to handle the demands of your everyday activities.

2.    Strength training

The goal of strength training is to load the muscles, bones, and joints so that they can build strength and support us every day. Strength training can potentially improve bone density, prevent osteoporosis, decrease the pain in joint arthritis, and even prevent joint replacements. These activities may include weightlifting, using resistance bands, or performing exercises with your body weight, for example doing squats or push ups.

3.    Stretching

Stretching is very important for improving the range of motion that your muscles and joints can move in. This can include at-home static stretching like reaching for your toes or reaching up to the sky. You can also attend classes that incorporate stretching, for example with yoga or pilates.

4.    Balance

Performing activities to help your balance could be as simple as standing on one leg with your eyes closed or as intricate as doing Tai Chi. Having good balance can lower your risk of falling as you age.

Don’t forget to start light and gradually increase the intensity and duration of your activities. Find activities that you enjoy and listen to your body to avoid overexertion and prevent injuries.

A basic daily exercise routine may look like this:

  • Morning walk (15-20 minutes)

  • Midday strength training (10-20 minutes)

  • Evening stretching and balance exercises (10 minutes)

Pillar 2: Adequate Sleep


Depending on your age, the optimal amount of sleep you should be getting may vary:

  • Newborns – 14-17 hours

  • Children – 9-11 hours

  • Teens – 8-10 hours

  • Adults – 7-9 hours

  • Seniors – 7-8 hours


Here are some strategies to hopefully improve your sleep quality and quantity:

  1. Establish a regular sleep schedule where you go to bed and wake up around the same time every day

  2. Make sure your bedroom is dark, quiet, and cool

  3. Limit your screen time before bed – this includes phones, tablets, and TVs

  4. Avoid heavy meals, caffeine, and alcohol when close to your bedtime

  5. Get regular physical activity – this will help you fall asleep faster and deeper

  6. Limit naps to 20-30 minutes, and avoid napping late in the day

  7. Getting direct sunlight after waking up can help regulate your internal clock (circadian rhythm)


Pillar 3: A Balanced Diet


Diet and nutrition is another topic that can be very confusing in social media right now. In general, your diet should include a combination of:

1.    Carbohydrates

2.    Proteins

3.    Fats

4.    Vitamins and Minerals

5.    Fiber

6.    Water

Depending on what your health goals are, you can modify the percentage of each category, but overall, your diet should include all of these to maintain good health. By incorporating a variety of nutrient-rich foods into your diet, you can ensure that your body gets the essential nutrients it needs to function optimally.

Here are the overall health benefits for each type of food group:


  1. Carbohydrates – these provide you with the energy you need, supports brain function, and aids in digestion.

    Common sources: Whole grains (rice, oats, quinoa), fruits, vegetables, legumes

  2. Proteins – help to build and repair tissues like muscles, supports immune function, and provides energy as well

    Common sources: Lean meats (Chicken, turkey), fish, eggs, dairy products (milk, yogurt, cheese), plant-based protein (beans, lentils, tofu, nuts)

  3. Fats – important for energy, supporting cell growth, protecting organs, and keeping the body warm. Fats are also crucial for absorbing fat-soluble vitamins (Vitamin A, D, E, and K)

    Common sources: Avocados, nuts, seeds, olive oil, fatty fish (salmon, mackerel)

  4. Vitamins and Minerals– vital for immune function, overall health, and energy production. Minerals specifically are essential for bone health, muscle function, and nervous system function

    Common sources: Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, meats, dairy products, fortified foods

  5. Fiber – aids with digestion, helps to maintain a healthy weight, and lowers the risk of heart disease and diabetes

    Common sources: whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds

  6. Water – essential for all daily bodily functions, this includes digestion, absorption, circulation, and temperature regulation.

    Common sources: Drinking water, fruits and vegetables with high water content (cucumbers, watermelon)


Here is easy access to the updated Canadian Food Guide where you can find a list of food options from each category. Food Guide


Pillar 4: Mental Wellness and Social Support


Prioritizing mental wellness and social support can affect your overall health and wellness by:

  • Reducing stress

  • Improving quality of life

  • Helping with emotional resilience

  • Increasing cognitive function

  • Augmenting your physical health


Some practical ways to improve your mental wellness is by practicing mindfulness or meditation. These practices can drastically reduce stress associated with day-to-day activities and may help with emotional regulation. If you are having trouble with managing your mental health alone, seeking professional help from a psychotherapist, social worker, or psychiatrist may be beneficial. These practitioners can provide you with the tools you need to manage your mental health effectively. To book an appointment with our psychotherapist at the clinic, click here.

Building relationships and participating in your community can drastically improve your quality of life. Everyone faces life challenges, but they may not seem as overwhelming when shared with others. Fostering relationships through volunteering, joining support groups, and engaging in community events can offer numerous benefits. A healthy lifestyle becomes more attainable when you're actively involved in community activities.

Health and wellness are hot topics in the media right now. If you still have more questions about what is right for you, book a free consultation with one of our health care providers HERE. You can also give us a call at (416) 291 0070. We can help assess your situation, work with your family physician and come up with the best care plan for you.


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